Last year The Salty Tribe trailed their first 7 Day Dip Challenge as a way to keep their salty spark alive during the winter months. We were blown away with the positive experiences of the women who joined us simply by dipping each day for 1 week!
Better sleep, more productivity at work, greater sense of being alive and a general sense of grounding for the day.
By popular demand we decided to bring it back in 2024! This is what some of the women had to say..
But first to catch you up on what the challenge is and how it works.
What is the 7 Day Dip Challenge?
We all know the ocean is good for us, but how often do we get wet, especially during winter?!
This challenge encourages women to get wet and dip in a body of water of their choice for 7 days straight and feel the benefits of consistent immersion each day on their mental, emotional and physical health.
But the challenge is more than just getting wet. Participants receive daily prompts and reflection questions to ponder about their connection with the sea, designed to help them feel more at ease in their bodies and in the ocean.
The daily exercises are inspired by the oceans tides, currents, waves, and ecosystem at large. They are intended to help women grow a connection to the Sea Country they are on, become aware of the bodily sensations and emoceans they experience from cold water and practice the lessons from cold water dipping in their everyday life. They also learn more about the world around them that they co-exist with at the beach.
Why do we do it?
Science and experience tells us that consistent immersion in the cooler months can bring a greater warmth to our hearts well beyond the chills we initially feel on our skin - whether its improved mental clarity, increased energy or a greater sense of belonging to the natural world we are part of.
What have the women experienced?
Thanks to all the women who joined us from many coasts across Australia - from the cold south to the warm north!
This past week was an incredible experience and I am so grateful to have been part of the challenge. I loved connecting with the ocean, challenging myself each morning with the cold water dip and reminding myself that thoughts and feelings are just like the ocean with her waves and tides coming and going - Chris Googs, Torquay
The Salty Tribe gave me encouragement and accountability to make time for myself in nature each day. And the prompts helped me reflect on my own habits, goals and routine - what no longer serves me in these areas and what I should welcome more of. The best thing I noticed about the swims was how the cold ocean water slowed my heart rate down and forced a calmness over my body. The swims themselves made me feel like a kid, twirling and spinning in the water. I never had trouble launching into the water, but getting out into the cold wind was definitely the hardest and least enjoyable part! - Darci Campbell, Torquay
My immune system/mind feels stronger from it. Because of the challenge, I went for a body board for the first time in 4 years which made me supremely happy because that is my favourite thing in the world. - Angela Wilson, Sunshine Coast
My sense of appreciation for life and awareness of myself in perspective to the whole world around me is greatest when I’m in nature/around wildlife. Being in the ocean, marine life or not, one can see and feel the natural elements and their immense strength and power, and it’s just the most humbling experience. Particularly when immersed in it and looking for awareness to it. It has resonated a lot again through this challenge and through the reflections so far! - Krish Nathwani, Geelong